OMG todays food was gert lush. There really is no other way to describe it.
B - bacon cheeseburger pie made in slow cooker overnight. Here is the before photo after putting in slow cooker. I browned some onions and mince and half a tin of toms and put that in the bottom of the slow cooker. Then I put the egg/mayo and cream mixture on top and then topped with cheese and bacon bits off my bacon shank I cooked. On low overnight.
And here it is on my plate. It was lovely and my eldest thought so too.
L - was too stuffed from breakfast
T - mozzarella stuffed chorizo meat balls with coleslaw. Again another lovely meal that was bloody lovely. I cut up chorizo burgers into 4. Squidged them and flattened it then wrapped it wrong a bit of mozzarella which I then fried off with onions. I put 1.5 tins toms into the slow cooker with carrots and put the meat balls in. I was meant to be putting in sweetcorn but couldn't find any. I also put in a bit of a jar of dolmio. Cooked on high for 5 hours. The kids loved it. :D
I have 2 portions of the bacon cheeseburger pie left for tomorrow and Friday. And for Saturday I have promised my eldest I will make a breakfast casserole which will be sausages on the bottom, covered in tinned toms then topped with the same egg mixture with cheese on top and bacon slices on top of the cheese. Mmmmmmmmm
And I even managed to walk on one of the school runs.
Also went shopping and after cashback and apg's it cost £15 so that's £52 so far. MUST NOT GO SHOPPING AGAIN THIS WEEK!!!!!! lol
Sal x
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