Monday 10 February 2014

Even the dogs low carb.....


Back again. And this time my dogs are joining me.  They have been put on a raw food diet which currently is ground up chicken with bones in.  They have to stay on this for a month and then I can start introducing different meat.  So far its going well. Rex, 6 year old cav, now eats everything I give him when he used to rarely eat normal dog food and Ruby the puppy also seems to be enjoying it far more than the other food. Its a bit gross for me but luckily they are both currently on same amount and one pack is one day worth of food. Another bonus, it costs 40p a day to feed both. This will gomup when Ruby is bigger bit stilll very cheap.

So back to me, still low carbing on a budget.  Although I think i have been a bit lazy with it as not writing it down.

so back to it

b - nothing bit too hungover
l - pork stir fry
t - in slow cooker smelling delicious peppered chicken with salad

I even walked the kids to school today. Am really looking forward to Friday when I can start walking Ruby as well.


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