Sunday 15 June 2014

OMG Bacon Jerky


Well, I am still here, still trying. Only managed up to day 12 of the abs challenge. Might try to start up again tomorrow.

My cucumber in the dehydrator was really nice. Today I made kale crisps which again are really nice, I did also make some lucky charms for the kids as well which they loved. At present I have beetroot chips, pineapple chunks and eggs in there. Tomorrow I am making bacon jerky, yes thats right, bacon jerky. Mmmmmmmm

These are the cucumber and kale chips

We had Brazil night last night, so I made low carb (and carby) and it was lovely.

We had a mince dish, chicken dish and kale and mango salad, all of which was really nice. Ss well as wedges and a potaoe dish that I think would be nice made with cauliflower.

So tomorrow I need to try harder with the exercise. Lots of walking and maybe a dance off with the kids after school lol I must lose this stone, or at least half of it.

Sal x

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