Friday, 31 May 2013

First night out in 9 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evening all

So, me and hubby went out for a meal tonight.  without the kids.  first time since before I was pregnant with ds1.  So 9 years really!  Anyway hubbys food went back twice and then because it was BOGOF and I kicked off they took off my meal, we had a cheap night out. lol  seriously though I would not have paid that for mine and hubby had 2 that he couldn't eat.  but a good night out anyway.

b - yogurt
L - ham salad
T - steak with bbq sauce and cheese and bacon on top with salad

lovely and too much wine!

Sal x

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Dentist - Ouchie :(

Evening all

Today was the family visit to the dentist.  Ever since I was young I have hated these visits and am now at 30 something terrified of them.  Obviously I don't want the kids being like this and we have a great dentist who does try to put me at ease but due to previous dentist drilling for a filling with no aesthetic and without telling me I am still scared.  So today, all I needed was cleaning, which he did then as I think he knew I wouldn't be back for it.  I could feel myself getting agitated and starting to panic as some of the cleaning was quite painful.  Afterwards hubby told me that he pulled something long and red from my teeth that looked like a nerve!!!! :o  It couldn't have been otherwise I would have been in more pain so what was it that he disposed of very very quickly?????????????

Kids all did well though and teeth fine. :D 

B - yogurt
L - ham and cheese salad
T - chicken and salad

Drinks - lots of buckets of tea

Asthma - ok

Joints - ok

Everywhere I look in the house it depresses me.  Every single room needs to be sorted out and is piled with clutter and junk and ebay stuff.  When the kids are back at school I will be sorting and moving for the decoration that will start the following week.  Am dreading it but when its done I will have a nice living room, dinning room, bathroom then we can start working on the kids bedrooms, our bedroom, hallway and finishing touches in kitchen that never got done 5 years ago when we had our new kitchen which sadly now looks like we need another one (which is why the company went out of business).

Sal x

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Absolutly knackered!

Evening all

Not stopped today.  Hubby had day off as we were going to still be at the lodge.  But as we came home early we decided to strip the wallpaper for when we have the living room plastered (the rest of the paper, done most already. 

But, hubby decided to move the kids rooms around.  I have been constantly on the go all afternoon, up and down stairs and moving stuff.  Am tired, asthma bad from the dust and just want to go to bed now!!!

B - bacon, egg and toms
L - far too busy for lunch (and had breakfast late)
T - cocktail sausages, ham, salad, cheese, just grabbable stuff

Drinks - tea, pepsi max and cidre (think I deserved it)

Asthma - dust made it bad, just starting to recover now

Joints - ok

Found some demijohns in attic, might have a go at wine again, if hubby doesn't ebay them lol

Sal x

Monday, 27 May 2013

First BBQ of the Year

Evening all

What a lovely day it was yesterday (afternoon, morning was a bit rubbish) so we shot out and bought bbq food and I cleaned the Barbie.

B 1 - melon
B 2 - bacon, egg and toms
L - chicken salad
T - bbq food - chicken drumsticks, prawns, chicken on a stick and lots of salad

Drinks - tea and wine

and today:

B - ham and cocktail sausages
L - ham salad
T - omelette pizza

Drinks - tea and lots of it

Joints - ok

Asthma - ok

Not as nice a day today as it was yesterday, managed to do a bit of walking over the weekend but not much, just watching kids on their bikes wore me out! lol

Hope you all had a good bank holiday weekend :D

Sal x

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Suffering today :(

Evening all

I have felt hanging today. I think it was the 5 bottles of wine between the 3 of us :o

B - handful of grapes
L - bacon, grilled tomatos, grapes and a banana :o
T - chicken with huge salad

Drinks - tea, tea and more tea and a cidre

Joints - ok

Asthma - ok

Hubby just opened the guiness flavour nuts so no doubt I will have a few and then an early night.

Sal x

Friday, 24 May 2013

Chinese and wine - bad combination

Evening all

My brother in law is visiting this evening as our house closer o his track day tomorrow. I bought wine and he brought wine. We have plenty lol. We or they decided to have chinese. Got a few stomache pains now but it was nice.

B - yogurt
L - peperami and melon as had to go out
T - chinese

Drinks - lots of tea and now wine

Joints  ok

Asthma. Ok

Time for a nice glass of pinot grecio :D

Sal x

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Whoo Hoo Half Term Starts Now :D

Evening all

Today was the last day of term.  A week of lie in's :D  I hope lol

B - yogurt
L - 2 steaklets (square burgers, last 2, will not be buying again) and homemade coleslaw
T - omelette pizza

Drinks - a few cups of tea and gonna have a glass of wine in a bit

Joints - ok

Asthma - ok

I bought a low carb cook book in a charity shop today.  Most of the recipes are quite high for me though but there are some.  Scrambled eggs being one of them, maybe I should get eggs next week to try :D

Sal x

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Was Good Considering............

Evening all

How good can you be when you make chocolate cake, not just any chocolate cake, but sandwiched with and then covered in chocolate butter icing with smarties on top.  I had a few crumbs and what was left on the knife after cutting the kids slices.  I think that was pretty good going considering how absolutely delicious it is.

B - yogurt with 1 dried apricot
L - cheese and chorizio with home made coleslaw
T - chicken in sweet chilli sauce with salad

I did have some scrapings of choccy cake as well.

Drinks - 4 cups of tea and pint of water

Joints - ok

Asthma - ok

Well the nosespray seems to be working until the anti histamine pills kick in and I have not needed a tissue all day :D  That has to be the first time for ages. :D  I do still feel a bit mucusy (for want of a better word) but at least I am not sniffing or blowing my nose constantly. :D 

Have a good evening (I will be going to bed soon so as I don't get tempted by the cake lol)

Sal x

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Treated Myself Today

Evening all

I have actually spent money on me today, on low carb food.  I went to lidl and got stilton that was on offer, the lidl verion of St Agur which was whoopsied, some whoopsie lidl verion of peperami and some full price :o dried apricots.  I know these arent low carb but they arent that high and they have the cancer fighting properties that cooked tomatoes do so I am going to have 1 a day.  Then I went to Tesco and spent £3 on veg (75p off), salad that was on offer anyway and got 75p off, and got fruit for kids and a melon for me and got £1 off.  :D  I like coupons :D

B - yogurt
L - cheese and chorizio with salad
T - sirloin steak with lidl's version of st agur melted on top with a huge salad (who says you cant eat good food on a budget)

Drinks - 3 cups of tea and 1 pint water

joints - ok

Asthma - ok, had my check today and mentioned that my hayfever set it off so went back and saw doctor and got tablets to be taken every day, nose spray and eye drops.  Lets see if they will work :D  Thank got for prescription prepayment cards :D

Have a good evening

Sal x

Monday, 20 May 2013

Vouchers, Vouchers, Vouchers

Evening all

Tesco have given out vouchers for fruit, veg and salad :D  This makes me happy, as they have leaves 2 for £1 and cucumber 2 or £1 so if I get some tomatoes for £1, all that will cost me £2.25 :D  I am also getting melon and other fruit for the kids and veggies.  :D  About time they did money off healthy food.  I do wish sometimes I lived in America so can do the extreme couponing, as you really cant do that much here!!!  I have got my shop for tomorrow down from £12 to £7.  Thats just not good enough!!! lol

B - yogurt
L - chorizio, cheese and salad
T - chicken with cheese on top and huge salad

Drinks - a few cups of tea, 1 pepsi max and 1 pint water

Joints - ok

Asthma - ok

So, tomorrow, I am having an asthma check and am shopping :D  Must try to get a bit of cleaning done inbetween as well.

Sal x

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Not The Weekend We Had Planned :(

Evening all

Hope you have all had a good weekend, we went to my sisters static (The Lodge) again.  Not quite what we had planned, I was expecting long walks and kids playing out on their bikes.  Stupidly I forgot their colouring/puzzle books and board games so we did have a few "I'm board" moments.  When we got there we went to the entertainment as the kids had been in the car for a few hours so they danced and got up on stage and won some balloon dogs.  On Saturday they managed a few hours in the morning on their bikes before it rained.  Luckily the place showed Brave so we went to watch that in the afternoon.  And today the kids managed a few more hours on their bikes and we walked to the duck pond to feed the ducks but there were no ducks there so we wandered around looking for ducks before going back to duck pond to just throw the bread in it for the ducks later and they all appeared, must have been waiting for food :D.  It was a good weekend but would have been better with no rain.

Foodwise, not good.  I wasnt bad bad but we got nibbly food which was highish carb and that has caused me stomache problems.  So next time, lots of veg/salad and I think I will get melons and grapes as a treat rather than what I have been eating.  So lesson learnt especially as I spent both nights on the sofa due to not being able to lay down from heartburn so obviously not ideal!

Does make me think though, if eating things with breadcrumbs gives me really bad stomache and heart burn problems, what is in it that makes it hurt so much.  I will not make that mistake again, real food now even when we go away.

Sal x

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Again No Exercise


Well, I didnt walk home from work like I planned.  Luckily for me, hubby finished his meeting at just the right time to pick me up.  Although he has used all my diesel, ggggrrrrrrrrrr

B - yogurt
L - taco flavoured mince with cheese on top
T - gammon and cheese with salad

Drinks - a few cups of tea and a glass of wine

Joints - ok

Asthma - ok

Am hoping for lots of walks this weekend, or at least some walks, I really need to exercise but just cant get in the right state of mind to do it.  But tomorrow is another day........

Sal x

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

I Really Hope Cheese at Night does not mean Nightmares lol

Evening all

I have had such a busy day.  All morning (and yes, I do mean all morning, 3 hours to be presise) I sorted through my paperwork and coupons, mostly coupons, putting them in date order and cutting them out and sorting out my shopping list(s) for tomorrow.  Then I did the ironing and after that was finished I had a governors meeting (maybe my last one) and then took kids to their club.  Didnt have time to have tea as had to pick kids up and by the time I did that hubby decided he wanted cheese and crackers so I had cheese and salad so I had to go out and buy it.    So have only really just finished tea and I did have lots and lots of cheese.  I had roulle, st agur and cheddar with black paper and very nice they were too.

B - Lots of greek yogurt, too much, felt really bloated afterwards
L - ham, chicken, cheese and salad
T - cheese, cheese and more cheese and salad

Drinks - I have lost count of the cups of tea I have had today

Joints - ok

Asthma - played up a bit but I did have a faceful of dust earlier

I could well have a long walk tomorrow, hubby has my car and is dropping me into work but looks like I will be finding my way home.  I recon an hour and a half to walk it :o  Just think of the exercise :D

Sal x

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Its Here, Its Here, Its Here, Its Here :D

Evening all

I got my X5 steam cleaner today.  Its great, I love it.  After I got it I cleaned the kitchen floor, bathroom floor, rest of bathroom and kitchen sides.  Hubby got me the extra packs of cloths and bag/brushes, so I have a brush cleaner for kitchen, bathroom, toilet and oven.  They are all different colours so I dont use the wrong ones. :D  Going to have a go at the carpet tomorrow and see how it does even though we are getting a new carpet in a month or 2 lol and then cleaning the oven and the bathroom again and then anything else I have time to do :D

B - yogurt
L - chicken and ham salad
T - taco seasoned mince with coleslaw

Drinks - a few cups of tea and 1 pint of water

Joints - ok

Asthma - ok

Is is wrong that all I can think about is cleaning???????????

Sal x

Monday, 13 May 2013

Not stopped today


I have had a busy day today, working, then kids etc.  NO housework, that is keeping for tomorrow.

B - yogurt
L - ham, chicken and cheese with salad
T - chicken with  a medley of roasted veg

Drinks - not enough

Joints - fingers aching a bit, been slipping back into having tomatoe every day in my salad as I was not getting any pains

Asthma - ok

Am a bit excited now, have you seen the advert on the tv for the X5 steam cleaner.  Well, its arriving tomorrow, cant wait, want to do the whole house and hoepfully it will be here early enough for me to do that.  And even though we are getting new carpets I really want to see if it does help with the carpet as well :D 

Sal x

Sunday, 12 May 2013

So Tired

Evening all

Today was a better day.  I ate well, and did some cleaning, rained so couldnt go out.  And I did eat tea late due to falling asleep when I should of put the roast chicken in.  ooopppssss

B - green yogurt
L - ham and cheese salad
T - roast chicken with broccoli and cabbage and gravy.

Drinks - tea, tea and more tea

Joints - ok

Asthma - ok

Am very tired even after my nap.  Hope I am not coming down with anything, so many sickness bugs and hubby feeling ill.  Am at work all day tomorrow so will be making my packed lunch in morning.

I will get round to exercising eventually lol

Sal x

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Why Dont I Learn

Evening all

What a day.  An excellent day, went to cinema and let kids run it off at soft play, got kids hair cut and had 2 takeaways :o  Lunch was kfc, i was good, i had the chicken (not that good as it was coated) and coleslaw, no chips.  About 2 hours after eating it I was getting pains in my belly.  And then when kids in bed I had chinese.  I am in agony now.  So the moral of the story is, dont eat takeaway!!!!!!!

Wont be doing a daily menu today either.  Tomorrow is a new day, fingers crossed for nice weather so we can all go for a walk.  I have a garlic and herb chicken to roast and brocolli and cabbage to go with it so am hopeful for a better day.  Need to get back on track and lose the extra few lbs (ha, more like a stone) that I have been carrying since xmas.

Sal x

Friday, 10 May 2013

A Slippery Slope...

Evening all

Gosh, I have been busy.  I have been away, was good food wise but drank too much wine, and since then been ok but so so bad today.  Worked this morning, where the kids make crispy cakes and of couse I had to have one, then home to get changed and then on a course and then pick kids up and homework and then pizza :o

Wont be posting my menu for today!!! :o

Back on track tomorrow, except we are taking kids to cinema and will probably buy popcorn, so might have a bit.  Well, its just occasionally and until I put batteries in the scales I can lie to myself that I am not quite as heavy as I probably am.

Sal x

Thursday, 2 May 2013


Evening all

Kids have been driving me mad today.  My kids that is.  So my youngest was mean to a girl in his class today and teacher wouldnt do anything, I will be having a word tomorrow as he should have been told and then he decided to play football against our glass door! :o  My eldest has broken 2 lunch boxes in the last week.  Due to this I am reluctant to get him another one until I can get a cheap one in town so he currently has a lunch carrier bag which today he lost! :o  Last week he also lost his boxer shorts and his swimming cap!  How can you lose boxer shorts?????????????

B - yogurt
L - handful of sweets :(
T - omelette pizza

Drinks - tea and having a glass of wine

Joints - ok

Asthma - ok and thats another thing, I missed my asthma review today so need to make another appointment but cant get through aaarrrrgggghhhhh

I remember when the kids were so sweet and lovely but tomorrow is another day and my youngest has promised me he will have a better day tomorrow, as long as he tries, that is all I can ask really.

Sal x

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Whoop Whoop, Got My Car Back

Evening all

Yay, got my car back today, but what a palaver that was!!!!  Firstly he phoned with some more stuff that needed doing which hubby said no to.  Then when we turned up, we could couldnt pay because he was doing an mot and then after we waited and needed to leave to pick the kids up from school he finally got round to letting us pay, he didnt have change and asked us to go back :o   Luckily we managed to find enough change between us to pay the exact amount!! (couldnt pay by card as it would have cost an extra £10 :o  )  Wont be going back there again.

B - crispbread with jam on
L - chicken with salad
T - thin sliced beef with salad

Drinks - lots of cups of tea

Joints - ok

Asthma - ok

I did walk on the school run this morning but have to work tomorrow and Friday so no more walking this week.  I am going to try to do some walking over the weekend and next week though.

Sal x