Thursday, 7 November 2013

Does Being Scared Burn Calories?


I am currently sat here watching Spiders (2013) and as I am quite terrified of spiders I think maybe not the best choice!  So will that mean I am burning more calories watching a scary film than a nice film?  Maybe something to google........

B - tinned toms & sausage
L - pork stir fry
T - lettuce filled with mince taco filling with salad

I actually went shopping today.  I bought bread, milk, whipped cream, eggs, ham, pasta, apples, oranges and lettuce, I think,  I cant think straight with the spiders on the tv.  I spent £10.  My budget is £10/£150.

I am off to hide behind the sofa, or I would if I didn't think there may be spiders behind it! :o

Sal x

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