Just realised I hadnt posted today. How late am I!!!!!!! In my defence it is kids bath night (they usually jump in before school or have shower before school but sunday night is always bathnight) and then X-Factor. And its only because I just said no to a snickers that I remembered! How bad am I.
B - frozen berries with cream mashed together - really nice but hurt my teeth
L - cheese salad
T - roast pork, cabbage, tiny bit of parsnip, carrot and gravy
snacks - none
drinks - 3 cups of tea, wkd blue that was in the fridge and I am sick of seeing it so drank it, it is so sweet and am glad its gone (it was given to me by my sister clearing out her alcohol and very grateful I am too especially for the vodka and sheridons :D )
exercise - none
joints - bit clicky but not hurting (not had tomatoes for a few days)
asthma - ok today
Am thinking I may not weigh tomorrow after the weekend of pizza. Will decide in morning.
Sal x
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